VATSIM CID | Name | Rating | Last Sector |
983451 | Burak Bugday | SUP | IST_XX_APP |
1136566 | Alperen Sonad | S2 | LTAC_TWR |
1207432 | Orhan Gencer | C1 | LTFM_5_TWR |
1230936 | Alp Deniz Senyurt | I1 | ANK_CTR |
1414700 | Kubilay Aydin | S3 | LTBA_APP |
1434943 | Gursel Alp | C3 | IST_APP |
VATSIM CID | Name | Rating | Last Sector |
List contains members of Turkish Subdivision of VATSIM and who have been active at least 10 hours in last 3 months in sectors.